
Frequently Asked Questions for Naqqe platform
  • 0 Article
  • 3 Sections
It includes all the FAQ regarding therapists app
  • 0 Article
  • 1 Section
It includes all the FAQ regarding therapists app
  • 0 Article
  • 1 Section
It includes all the FAQ regarding support ticket
  • 0 Article
  • 1 Section
It includes all the FAQ regarding refunds
  • 0 Article
  • 0 Section
Naqqe Help Centre
  • 3 Articles
  • 2 Sections
Therapist Licensed Authorites, Platform Certifications Data Security
  • 0 Article
  • 0 Section
Released Products related information
  • 0 Article
  • 0 Section
Media rounds, events and updates
  • 0 Article
  • 0 Section